Gardening For FunGardening For Fun

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Gardening For Fun

Do you remember the last time you loved your garden? Working in the yard doesn't come naturally to many people, which is why you might be a little disappointed with how your space looks and feels. However, you don't have to let your outdoor space be overwhelming to you. I wanted to make this blog to help people to not only learn how to garden, but how to make it more enjoyable. This blog is here to give people a better idea of what to expect and how to make things work outdoors. Check it out for great tips that can improve your curb appeal.

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3 Reasons To Install An Aerating Fountain In Your Landscape

Large properties can often benefit from the introduction of water into their landscape design. Ponds or small lakes can serve many purposes, from providing aesthetic enhancement to serving as a habitat for fish or waterfowl. Adding a man-made pond or lake to your landscape allows you the opportunity to incorporate a fountain into your water feature.

Here are three reasons why you should consider installing an aerating fountain to enhance your landscape in the future.

1. An aerating fountain can prevent stagnant water.

Although large water features can provide many benefits, these same water features can become a health hazard when they are not properly maintained. Mosquitoes and other insects that carry communicable diseases are drawn to stagnant bodies of water.

By making the choice to add an aerating fountain to your man-made water feature, you can prevent the body of water from becoming stagnant by allowing the fountain to keep water moving continuously. This will keep disease-carrying insects away and ensure that your water feature doesn't become a health hazard.

2. An aerating fountain can increase relaxation.

Water features can be beneficial when it comes to providing your friends and family members with a place to relax. If you are hoping to add to the relaxation of your existing man-made pond or lake, then installing an aerating fountain can be beneficial.

These fountains create a continual spray of water, allowing anyone sitting near your water feature to enjoy the tranquil sound of running water. You won't need to add a brook or small river to take advantage of the relaxation benefits associated with the sound of running water when you opt to install an aerating fountain in your pond or lake instead.

3. An aerating fountain can help curb algae growth.

Algae grows in almost all bodies of water. While an aerating fountain won't eliminate algae from your lake or pond, installing a fountain can help you control algae blooms and keep them under control.

In the absence of aerating fountains, algae can bloom without restriction and begin to alter the chemical composition of the water in your pond or lake. By keeping the surface of the water moving with an aerating fountain, you can make the conditions within your pond or lake less favorable for significant algae growth.

Once you are able to identify the benefits that you will enjoy when adding an aerating fountain to your man-made lake or pond, it becomes easy to justify the expense of installing a fountain on your property.